September 2024
September 2024
Color | 1.85:1 | Stereo | 2’26”
PRODUCTION COMPANY Rejell GmbH | DIRECTOR Elisa Juri | PRODUCER Svenja Albers | GREEN CONSULTANT Alexandra Hoffmann | CINEMATOGRAPHY Paul Spengemann | AC Torben Reimer | OB Marvin Hesse | COLORIST Florian Staerk | EDIT Maxi Willmann | Elisa Juri | SOUND Karsten Krause | SOUND MIX Hello Robin | MUSIC Georg von dem Bussche Playdis | PHOTOGRAPHY Bettina Theuerkauff
PRODUCTION COMPANY Rejell GmbH | DIRECTOR Elisa Juri | PRODUCER Svenja Albers | GREEN CONSULTANT Alexandra Hoffmann | CINEMATOGRAPHY Paul Spengemann | AC Torben Reimer | OB Marvin Hesse | COLORIST Florian Staerk | EDIT Maxi Willmann | Elisa Juri | SOUND Karsten Krause | SOUND MIX Hello Robin | MUSIC Georg von dem Bussche Playdis | PHOTOGRAPHY Bettina Theuerkauff

April 2024
April 2024
An Open Book is Also the Night
En uno de los pulmones del trópico (R.B. dixit), la vida orgánica se transforma y contiene la posibilidad de intimidad y fantasía, mientras los allí presentes se someten a silenciosas exploraciones.
In one of the lungs of the tropics, organic life morphs and contains the possibility of intimacy and fantasy, while the ones there present subject themselves to quiet explorations.
In one of the lungs of the tropics, organic life morphs and contains the possibility of intimacy and fantasy, while the ones there present subject themselves to quiet explorations.
HD | Color | 16:9 | Stereo | 8’18”
CON Ana María Vizcarra | Carlos Alberto Saenz | REALIZACIÓN | EDICIÓN Elisa Juri | MEZCLA DE SONIDO | MÚSICA Daniel Dominguez Teruel | COLOR Stephan Knauß
CON Ana María Vizcarra | Carlos Alberto Saenz | REALIZACIÓN | EDICIÓN Elisa Juri | MEZCLA DE SONIDO | MÚSICA Daniel Dominguez Teruel | COLOR Stephan Knauß