Erosion | Memory as a Body
July 2022
From a long-time interest in the way Marguerite Duras deals with memory, and bursting from that which presses across tissues, comes this essayistic research on her book The Lover. Aleida Assmann’s work trailed the territory, I made some field notes.

Link to read.
Graduation Thesis | Suppervised by Bettina Uppenkamp | EN | HfbK HH

An Open Book is Also the Night
En uno de los pulmones del trópico (R.B. dixit), la vida orgánica se transforma y contiene la posibilidad de intimidad y fantasía, mientras los allí presentes se someten a silenciosas exploraciones.


In one of the lungs of the tropics, organic life morphs and contains the possibility of intimacy and fantasy, while the ones there present subject themselves to quiet explorations.

HD | Color | 16:9 | Stereo | 8’18”

CON Ana María Vizcarra | Carlos Alberto Saenz | REALIZACIÓN | EDICIÓN Elisa Juri | MEZCLA DE SONIDO  | MÚSICA Daniel Dominguez Teruel | COLOR Stephan Knauß

Essay | EN | Neustart Kultur | for the exhibition GHM bleibt offen | Hamburg

Water Swirls Towards the Opposite Direction on the Other Side of the Equator
Video correspondence between two friends, held in their countries of origin during a visit on the first months of the pandemic, loosing the possibility of returning to their new chosen homes.

Link to Vimeo.
HD | Color | 16:9 | Stereo | 31’

CAST | DIRECTING | CINEMATOGRAPHY | EDITING | SOUND MIX Catalina González González | Elisa Juri

Archipiélago latinx 
Poetry | ES | Intervention/performance
